In 2007 the first project regarding "digital games in schools" was launched. The Danube University-Krems / Austria (DUK) on behalf of the Ministry of Education (bmukk) started a research,whether computer and console games (so-called off-the-shelf games) can be didactically used in classrooms in order to make sustainable achievements in learning success of students. The results were encouraging. Under the condition that the teaching and learning processes will be didactically guided, they postulated twelve theses on the use of computer games in the classroom.

The research also revealed:

  • serious digital games in education foster creative and independent acquisition of knowledge.   Games provide new possibilities of experience in teaching & learning.   • Nearly 80 percent of the Students favored the use of computer games in the classroom for learning purposes.


Didactical szenarios of digital game based learning (Michael Wagner, Konstantin Migutsch & Team, member  Hubert Egger,  DUK & UNI-Vienna/Austria).