Useful sources / links:
- Game based learning using glow and ICT
- Adventure Game Ludwig
- Maniki online game
- Singapure - MIT Game Lab (GAMBIT)
- Unreal Development Kit (Unreal GDK)
- Bundesstelle für Positivprädikatisierung von Games (BUPP), Austria
- Games for learning recommendations (games.EUN)
Publications / books:
- Game Developer Magazine (GDMAG)
- Game Makers Apprentice (GMK book)
- Games in Schools, European Schoolnet 2009, (GIS EUN PDF)
- Game Based Learning 2010, London, (GBL2010)
- DevLearn 2011, Conference and Expo, Las Vegas/NV
- European Conference on games based learning 2012 (ECGBL)